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全工 河北全工鋼銼產銷有限公司  |河北全工鋼銼產銷有限公司是一家集設計、研發、生產和銷售為一體的專業鋼銼生產廠家,公司地處河北省邢臺市,主要產品有“全工”牌鉗工銼、鋸銼、鋁銼、什錦銼、鋼木銼等五大類200多個品種系列,產品質量穩定可靠,深受廣大用戶的信賴和贊譽。我公司在研發新產品的同時,始終以市場為導向,積極開拓國際市場,不斷滿足客戶無止境的需求,產品除覆蓋全國29個省、市、自治區外,同時暢銷美國、英國、俄羅斯、日本等17個國家和地區,目前我公司已發展成為同行業中規模最大、競爭力最強的企業。 |2001年我公司同行業首家通過ISO9001國際質量管理體系認證;2004年、2007年獲得“河北省著名商標”,并通過(TUV)GS產品認證?!叭ぁ逼放飘a品已被國內外用戶認可,并享有很高聲譽,2011年5月27日“全工”被國家商標總局認定為“中國馳名商標”,使全工實現了行業內的三個“第一”,即品牌第一、質量第一、產銷量第一,從而更加確立了全工在國內銼刀行業的排頭兵地位。|時代的發展造就了全工的今天,發展創新的理念也將注定全工輝煌的明天。我公司將以獲評“中國馳名商標”為契機,充分利用品牌優勢,堅持“以客戶滿意為標準,努力打造全工品牌”的生產經營理念,一如既往地為廣大用戶提供高質量的產品,打造全工的宏偉藍圖,努力開創公司更加壯麗的事業。公司將致力于新產品的開發,不斷滿足客戶無止境的需求,歡迎國內外新老客戶的光臨惠顧,我們將竭誠為您服務。|HeBei  QuanGong Steel File  Production  And Sale Co.,Ltd.|HeBei QuanGong Steel File Production And Sale Co.,Ltd. is a professional corporation majoring in the development , design , production,sale and distribution of Steel file. The company is located in Xingtai city,Hebei province. It receives much credit and recognition from a wide range of consumers for the reliable quality of the products, Our products range cover steel files, chain saw files, curved teeth files, needle files, wood rasp and many other files sets of “QuanGong”brand , covering five major series over 200 varieties.  Follow with the step of continuously developing the new products,we take the market as the guidance, explore the international market and unceasingly satisfy requirement of customers.The products sell well in 29 domestic provinces, cities and autonomous regions as well as more than 17 countries and regions as in America, British, Russia and Japan.Today, we are the largest and the most competitive enterprise in the industry.|The company  is  the  first one in the industry that  has passed ISO9001 international quality management system certification in 2001.It has the honor to win "Hebei Famous Brand"  and  passes (TUV)GS   authentication  in 2004 and 2005.The products of “QuanGong”brand have earned high prestige from the consumers.That,the“QuanGong” trademark is recognized as“chinese well-known trademark” on May 27,2011,makes QuanGong “Brand first,Quality First, Production&Sale First”. The company  has successfully taken a dominant position of the Steel File industry in China.|The development of the ages has brought up our “QuanGong”good development potentiality.The philosophy of innovation gives QuanGong more glorious and resplendent future.Our company will take the opportunity of “chinese well-known trademark”and make full use of the brand. “Keep improvement &Innovation, Achieve perfect quality” is our managing policy; “hanker for excellent service to our customer” is our sincere promises. The company has always been dedicated to new products so as to meet requirements of customers  , drum up new business,and finally realize the grand blueprint of QuanGong. All friends at home and abroad are warmly welcome, we will serve for you with all sincerity..

